Uncharted 3: Drake's Deception Cheats For PlayStation 3. Uncharted 4 Crushing Trophy Save ( No Glitch ) - Treasures and relics [CUSA00917]" :: Login/Create an Account:: 1 comment. Jun 22, 2021. This guide will help new players unlock all of the trophies in the game. Beat the game as fast as possible on any difficulty you wish, speedrun trophy glitch is banned. - Crushing". As with Crushing difficulty for any Uncharted game, you'll want to stay behind cover and pop your head out when firing for a short amount of time. Triple_Aitch 6 years ago #1. you cant pirate ps3 games. You get the "Charted! Crushing is very poorly designed. Uncharted 4 has in-game cheats that can be unlocked and used on higher difficulties without disabling trophies. Uncharted 4: A Thief's End. Uncharted 4: A Thief's End MariaAlteration 5 years ago #1 So the infinite ammo and auto lock makes things a lot more bearable, but it bothers me that I can't mark my enemies or the triangle thing above their heads. Same area as previous cairn, but at the end of the area (where you drive up the mud). Chapter 03: The Malaysia Job. It is the highest difficulty in the game. 5. This is a Silver trophy. We use IGT (In Game Time). Edit: Wonder if he has a pirated version of this game since alot of people who pirated over at the psxscene are saying that it still needs eboot fixes since something missing in the eboots can cause glitches like these. Uncharted 4 difficulty. Reach Level 75 in Online Multiplayer mode. This Uncharted 4: A Thief's End Speedrun Walkthrough shows the full game from beginning to end (Cutscenes are not included). New Best: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5_oiLWrUZTg_____Almost everything went really well. The game was released worldwide for the PlayStation 4 . Uncharted 4: A Thief's End is an action-adventure third-person shooter platform video game developed by Naughty Dog and published by Sony Computer Entertainment exclusively for the PlayStation 4 video game console. Chapter 07: Lights Out. Up until this point I've thought this has been the easiest uncharted on crushing but this . Submitted By: JMendesC. This is a reference to the 2015 E3 event . Another post saying how ridiculous Crushing is, even compared to the earlier games! May 8, 2016. Surival Mode Crushing Solo 30 Stars Video Guide - .It Achievement (1.32) . If you want to make things easier you can enable cheats in the bonus menu (e.g. How to activate codes: When you first start the game you won't have any Points to buy the codes. Cappy4000 10 Posted May 15, 2016. You should put this possibility in the guide. 2. Yes, you can use every mod in the game and you'll still . Posted October 2, 2017. Legacy mode. Sure, the game will obnoxiously remind you in the Chapter Select Screen (quick edit, by this I mean it'll say you used Lock-On Aim in Chapter Select), but I had no problem on my Crushing run (with cheats, as well). - Crushing' trophy and be able to view the ending cutscene and final boss epilogue. There are 8 Treasures, 4 Journal Entries, 6 Notes and 5 Optional Conversations to find in this chapter . SnakeCQC 3846d ago. Prologue. Even if completing this sole stage is enough, you will probably have to repeat all the stages 1-10 on Hard. Uncharted 4 Codes. - Crushing". 6. Heisenberg on youtube for this great walkthrough! It really works like a charm! After driving up the mud, before the wooden bridge on the left. xTheGrieverx (Topic Creator) 5 years ago #3. But in my opinion crushing and especially brutal is a joke. Chapter 06: Once a Thief. I'm doing it on crushing but if I change the difficulty to hard and finish the game can I just go back to chapter select and do the last 2 on crushing with cheats and still get the crushing trophy ? - Crushing Complete the game in crushing mode. When you have beaten the game on the Crushing difficulty setting you will earn the 'Charted! Pirates. Crushing is available from the beginning. Uncharted 4: A Thief's End has a grand total of 56 trophies, It is a relatively easy platinum to get because you can use in-game cheats to help.. RELATED: Uncharted 4: A Thief's End - Every Treasure Location Getting the platinum will take around three playthroughs.The first playthrough is for fun, the second will need to be on crushing difficulty, and the third will be a speedrun. 0 replies; 754 views; For absolute easiest, you would maybe want 3 playthroughs, but doing it in 2, this is my recommended way of doing it in the easiest/fastest manner. If you have any cheats or tips for Uncharted 4: A Thief's End please send them in here. The main objectives of this stage are: a) Unlock Crushing Mode and b) Grind to prepare for Stage 3. In most of the Uncharted games . Try a new Crushing game and see if they are disabled. The destination is the "Top Of The Waterfall" in the southeastern corner of the map. - Crushing Complete the game in crushing mode. I just beat him last night! There are nine treasures, four journal entries, two journal notes, and six optional . If you would like to . Unlike other games, they aren't activated by inputting codes or completing a sequence of button inputs. Join. Chapter 04: A Normal Life. Uncharted 4: A Thief's End ; Peaceful Resolution glitch Peaceful Resolution glitch. re: Uncharted 2 Crushing Glitch help. This helps on the Crushing difficulty setting if you have issues on getting through . Less reliance on big setpieces. Crushing". With this saves u can get:-Crushing-Speedrun-Gift of Gab-I Accidentally All the Guns-Lost Art of Journaling-Lost History-Relic finder-Sharpshooter-Treasure Hunter - Crushing' trophy and be able to view the ending cutscene and final . The video guide shows how to easily unlock the Speedrun/Crushing/Sharpshooter trophies using a glitch featured in Uncharted 4: A Thief's End on PlayStation 4. It was clearly a graphical glitch or bug. infinite ammo). The starting point in Chapter 4 (Ganesh Mountain Carving) is in the northwestern corner of the map. thanks to a tutorial vid on youtube. . There is of course the middle range Moderate setting, which is essentially the Normal difficulty. Note: you need to beat every single chapter on Crushing difficulty to get the trophy, just beating the last chapter on this setting will not unlock it. Hey all, I am in the middle of collecting all 109 treasures while replaying the game on Crushing difficulty, and I noticed something that has me worried about a possible bug. How to unlock the Charted! Don't delete any g. Cappy4000. I'd argue just the opposite, that Hard mode forces you to be better utilize all the mechanics. Credit goes to Captain Ketch aka. Definitely the hardest Uncharted game, but aside from a few unfair battles, the general combat mechanics are the best in any UC game. I just want to provide you all with a full video guide for the Crushing difficulty playthrough, which really helped me on the tough spots and gave some good tips. After 1 year, I finally got this trophy. Remain idle to get the "Stage Fright" trophy. One thing I learned about playing Uncharted 4 on Crushing is that I need all the patience I can get before entering an encounter. Uncharted 4 has been out for about a week so now we're due for a torrent of exploits and resulting patches.For the trophy hunters out there, there's a glitch that has yet to be patched that will help you score two of the more challenging trophies in the game: the speedrunner trophy, which you unlock for completing the game in 6 hours or less, and the sharpshooter trophy . Uncharted 4: A Thief's End. Uncharted 4 difficulty. Over 37 Million People Have Played Uncharted 4 Since Release By Ghost, May 12, 2021. More precisely: The basic requirement to unlock "Crushing" mode is to complete Stage 10 "New Devon" on Hard. Simple fix, restart level. This will unlock once you finish the game on Crushing difficulty, the hardest difficulty in the game. After crossing the wooden bridge on the left. It is the highest difficulty in the game. Beating the game on crushing unlocks the silver trophy "Charted! Date Added: Tue. On the hunt for Captain Henry Avery's long-lost treasure, Sam and Drake set off to find Libertalia, the pirate utopia deep in the forests of Madagascar. About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How YouTube works Test new features Press Copyright Contact us Creators . Fortune hunters. Some of you don't find Crushing so bad. - Speedrun. Crushing Trophy Load save 2 skip the video and the trophy will pop. Download Name: [US] UNCHARTED 4 - CRUSHING DIFFICULTY GAME SAVE [CUSA00341] Category: PlayStation 4 PS4 Game Saves & Sets. Very happy with this time. I went into Uncharted 4 straight after completing the Nathan Drake Collection (All games on crushing, 3 on my first time.) But for people like me who found Hard to be hard enough, and the game to simply not be that enjoyable, here is a (more or less) complete list of glitches and skips you can use to bypass almost every tough battle in the game (e.g., chapters 4, 5, 11, and 13). Now it's not easy, for sure, but barely comparable to like the water cave in Uncharted, or the train in Uncharted 2, or the cruise liner in Uncharted . Step 2: Start a new game, keep all your stats and stuff (choose yes) Step 3: Select a different difficulty (I chose Crushing first, but messed up, I got it to work on Hard) Step 4: Select a NEW save file, keep your old one. Actual cheats like Infinite Ammo & Bullet Speed Mode can be unlocked & enabled as part of Uncharted 4's Crushing difficulty option for Story Mode. Uncharted 4: A Thief's End makes its debut on PlayStation 4's subscription service, PlayStation Plus. and 4 simply put feels absolutely awful on crushing and I've died the most on it due to its broken poorly thought-out stealth . At the emblem editing screen, press Up, Right, Down, Left, Up, Left, Down, Right to unlock some Piggyback logo emblems. (I already had Crushing completed) and Sharpshooter If you play it through the Prologue. In the larger area shortly after the start (area with waterfall on the left). Successfully complete the game on any difficulty to unlock the Crushing difficulty. Most of the time I spent 10-20 mins analyzing the location of the enemies and where is the easiest way to reach the next checkpoint. . The Sharpshooter Trophy can't be obtained that way, because 1.0 does not have encounters-menu and does not glitch statistics so either you keep your overall-stats or start new and can't start the epilogue . I've failed this thing over 100 times now and I'm still going at it. -. 107. Charted! Run-and-Gunner. The story mode in Uncharted 4: A Thief's End provides players with five difficulty levels to play with. You have to go through it at the end of Chapter 4 after visiting all forts. Final Boss and game ending in Crushing mode. updated 7.6.18. This single-player action-adventure video game is going really well but somehow the startup crashing issue or the game not launching issue is bothering a lot of players. CUSA917 Treasure Hunter Trophy Load save 1 go into the opposite little room near the staircase; the treasure is on the statue. It is the sequel to Uncharted 3: Drake's Deception and is the fourth installment in the Uncharted series starring Nathan Drake. 11, I have collected every trophy without missing any (using a guide, and the list in the game has no missing spots yet . All Uncharted 4 cheat codes still need to be bought before they can be enabled on Crushing difficulty. This page contains the walkthrough for Chapter 19: Avery's Descent in Uncharted 4: A Thief's End . It is the highest difficulty in the game. infinite ammo). This page contains the walkthrough for Chapter 14: Join Me in Paradise in Uncharted 4: A Thief's End . On 1/29/2022 at 3:54 AM, Optinooby said: That would be more difficult. If you want to make things easier you can enable cheats in the bonus menu (e.g. - Crushing trophy in Uncharted 4: A Thief's End: Complete the game in crushing mode. The "Charted! UNCHARTED 4: A Thief's End takes players on a journey around the globe, through jungle isles, far-flung cities and snow-capped peaks on the search for Avery's fortune. Run the Table. 39 12. Specifically the encounter where you are hanging from the elevator. Uncharted 4: A Thief's End - How to get Crushing Speedrun and Sharpshooter Trophy Easily in minutes WITHOUT completing it in 6 hours or less.Get Uncharted 4:. The AI beats the shit out of you The AI REALLY beats the shit out of you Enemies are apparently allowed to play with mouse … This subreddit is for discussing and sharing anything relating to Naughty Dog's Uncharted series of video games on Playstation consoles and/or the bonus adventures in other mediums such as the Uncharted movie. It took me 4 hours before I realized that I changed my boosters to conform with the ones in the guide. Hello, this is a save set for uncharted 4, the saves arent mine, the only thing I have done is re region saves from other threads and there is a Platinum save 100% on the folders. Instead, they're unlocked by fulfilling certain requirements such as finishing the game on a certain difficulty, or they can be purchased with the "money" you earn from completing in-game achievements. all I did was hang around and . 10 replies; 968 . Prologue. Defeat enemies with a stealth attack, melee attack, headshot, and explosives, in that order, in 15 seconds. I usually just says Loading XX%. Is there any new way to activate and use tweaks on crushing/brutal on the digital version (uncharted nathan drake collection) of the game with patch 1.02. Contributed by: rpxzero Piggyback Strategy Guide Emblems Crushing is available from the beginning. 5 70. I really don't mean to be one of "Those" guys, but I am about halfway through the games, and I gotta say it's not nearly as tough as the first 3 games on crushing. The list below gives you the code you can unlock, followed by the cheat description. To make getting this trophy easier enable cheats in the 'Bonus' menu.
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