which of the following is a complete sentence?

Another word for a complete sentence is an independent clause. See Page 1. Q. "Complex Sentence" with a following dependent clause. Declarative sentences are mere statements that relay information. The English grammar rule on using the phrase "the following is" or "the following are" is short and clear-cut. A subordinate clause is a clause that cannot stand alone as a complete sentence; it merely complements a sentence's main clause, thereby adding to the whole unit of meaning. A blacksmith in Gravette was making the wheels, but the rest of the buggy was complete, right down to the leather seats. If the group of words is a complete sentence, write S. If the group of words is a fragment, write F. _____ 1. Tags: Question 9 . When entire independent clauses (simple sentences) are joined this way, they become compound sentences. If the quotation expresses a complete thought, the first letter must be capitalized. A simple subject is only one noun that is completing the action in a sentence. (One sentence, one clause) Michael bought a new computer, but he still has the old one. A fragment is an incomplete sentence. Remember that a clause has a subject and a verb . The parade to support the veterans begins at noon on Saturday be sure to arrive an hour early. Complete Sentence Examples. a published author. It is a complete and correct sentence. He went to the store. If the group of words is a complete sentence, write S. If the group of words is a fragment, write F. _____ 1. a) They will discuss it. Scientists started thinking that the human brain could develop and change. This is incorrect. Operations Management questions and answers. Сorrect sentence in your content effortlessly using our online checking software tool. A simple sentence is made up of one independent clause. While there are many ways to end up with a fragment, almost every fragment is simply a result of one of the following three problems: It is missing a subject; It is missing a verb. Answer link. DIRECTIONS Determine which of the following word groups are sentence fragments and which are complete sentences. Complete & Simple Subjects & Predicates . When defining a complete subject, remember to include both the simple subject plus all of the words that . What type of sentences is "Good morning to the world!" Weegy: "Good morning to the world!" is an exclamatory sentence. 2. Kurt Vonnegut is. Choose the correct word to complete the sentence: Due to mechanical failures, the bus took a . _____ 2. A burning log's total energy and mass before burning are the same as the mass and energy of the soot, ash, smoke, heat and . D. Crocodiles, quiet as logs, lurked on the riverbank. Grammar. C. Because I had not slept for two nights. Ultimately, we cannot know anything with complete assurance, because even our senses may fail us. Because I have not slept in two nights. Join the following sentences to make one complete sentence without using and, but or so. D. all sentences are written in the active voice. A complete sentence has three characteristics: First, it begins with a capital letter. A. Detectives Homer Fry and Janine Small looked high and low for clues. A. ideas are linked; that is, one idea leads logically to the next. 4. Moby has three lights; they are red. ), or exclamation point ( ! It cannot stand alone because it is not an independent clause. 91% -92%. It fails to complete the thought it starts. The following is a complete sentence: Although I went to the campus on Tuesday and applied for the on campus job that was being offered for the spring semester. A. Detectives Homer Fry and Janine Small looked high and low for clues. To identify the (complete) subject, ask yourself who or what completed the action in the sentence. Rule 2: Someone says, "quotation." (If the word just before the quotation is a verb indicating someone uttering the quoted words, use a comma. Tags: Question 6 . Topic sentences should ____ link to a paper's thesis statement. _____ 2. answer choices . Now that you're familiar with the names of all the parts of the sentence, you can see how you can fit them together to create different types of sentences. This answer has been confirmed as correct and helpful. If your parents think today's fashions are weird. Drag each of the following labels into the appropriate box to identify which motor division of the peripheral nervous system is identified by the given function. 35. Definition: A clause is a group of words that has both a subject and a predicate. Take our amazing sentence fragment quiz with answers to find out exactly how much you know and how much you still need to learn. an adjective. (MY ANSWER) D) In the Arctic, twenty-four hour winter nights. El abuelo les sirve helado a los niños. Complete subjects can be very simple or more complex. 30 seconds . Scientists started thinking that the human brain could develop and change. How could you fix the run-on sentence, "Moby has three lights they are red." Moby has three lights, they are red. DIRECTIONS Determine which of the following word groups are sentence fragments and which are complete sentences. Which of the following is a run on sentence. Declarative Sentence. answer . answer choices . DEPENDENT CLAUSES . This problem has been solved! O D. Since she was hungry, she had a snack. After. Q. 4. Complements . Yet we can conclude, with reasonable accuracy, that some things are more likely to be true than others (for instance, it is more likely that the sun will rise tomorrow than that a human will learn to fly without wings or other support). Remember, an independent clause / sentence must . One issue that often arises with group work is miscommunication among the team members. La profesora les explica la gramática a los estudiantes. 18. In its simplest form, a clause in grammar is a subject plus a verb. Weegy: "Good morning to the world!" is an exclamatory sentence. Even when the temperatures improved. b) Focus-oriented listeners. Complete each sentence by dragging the appropriate word or phrase to the proper position. Ms. Nightingale murmured a room number and motioned down a hall crowded with bodies like the day after Gettysburg while white-coated figures strolled among the moaning, clip boards in hand With wide-eyed Fred following behind, Dean ran the gauntlet until he found the room, a small office packed with five men and a lot of smoke, three of them in Philadelphia Police uniforms. What makes this sentence complete is having both the subject and the verb in a simple form, and still expresses a complete thought. I decided I really wanted to eat a pumpkin muffin, so I drove to the store to buy one. C. All answer choices are correct. NEW ENERGY Complete the following sentence: The second law of thermodynamics ____________. But when a sentence begins "Following is." the reader might expect the sentence to be about the nature of following. Score .8534 Tom is our noun. Which choice best describes the following sentence? Paragraphs are coherent when. Kurt Vonnegut. Second sentence in each paragraph. In addition, it includes an end mark—either a period ( . It was a historic home run! The choice that best describes the given sentence above is, it is a complete and correct sentence. User: Which of the following is a complete sentence? Each main clause contains a subject and a verb. Last sentence in each paragraph. In other words, a simple . C. Large and small dinosaurs stalked the grassy plains. Even though I studied all weekend long. Read the following sentences. A complete sentence needs only two elements: a subject - predicate unit AND a complete thought. The beach will be crowded today. is based on directionality Which of the following is not an example of the first law of thermodynamics? It is a fragment with a subject and verb but expresses an incomplete thought. C) In the summer, the sun never sets. operating income plus all period costs. 30 Questions Show answers. It is a rambling sentence. I was unable to solve it. The basic rule for using is/are is that a singular subject takes a singular verb while a plural subject takes a plural verb. Although Carrie was unusually tall. Declarative Sentence. Q. Listed below are a few examples of complete sentences under the following categories: 1. 1. It is a dependent clause . O A. b) Every time my cousin from Cairo visits. It is a fused sentence. The Rangers! (I) Sonia asked a riddle. 1. Types of sentence structure. A clause always contains the following. When a sentence is unfinished, either because it is missing a subject or verb, or because it lacks the information needed to express the thought, it is a sentence fragment. They should see the clothes people wore in the Middle Ages. This is a perfect grammar check tool online to add quality to your writings instantly. Questions & Answers. 4.6k plays . Listed below are a few examples of complete sentences under the following categories: 1. Question 3 (Mandatory) (1 point) Which of the following choice is a complete sentence? Gambler ate an entire pizza during lunch. FANBOYS . Many will use a proper sentence checker to see if their sentences are complete rather than fragments. Rule 1: Complete sentence: "quotation." (If you use a complete sentence to introduce a quotation, use a colon (:) just before the quotation.) Identify each one as a complete sentence or a sentence fragment. This means the Clause can stand on its own, and it is a sentence. A subject tells us 'who' or . Q. "Abraham Lincoln, our sixteenth president. B. Such piece of writing maybe from. Sentence , (without the subordinating conjunction this sentence would be a Complete Sentence; with the subordinating conjunction it is now a Dependent Clause) Complete Sentence. A compound-complex sentence has at least two independent clauses and at least one dependent clause.In simple terms, an independent clause can be a sentence on its own while a dependent clause cannot.. Compound-complex sentences help us express longer more complicated thoughts, with more parts than other . Combine the following two sentences to create a complex sentence. a conjunction. A dependent clauses (or subordinate clause) is one that cannot stand alone as a complete sentence (i.e., it does not express a complete thought). C. Large and small dinosaurs stalked the grassy plains. Express a complete thought. He is also popular. Although Henry was unusually tall. It features a comma splice. Simple sentence. It is a fragment that is missing a subject. Went is our verb. A. I am unsure of what time we are required to be at the next group meeting. B) Three quarters of the distance from the equator to the North Pole. Q. sales revenue less (minus) cost of goods manufactured. Which of the following is a complete sentence? In order to fix this sentence, we would have to change the comma to a period or a semicolon. Catherine Traffis. Updated 9 days ago|5/24/2022 3:39:19 PM. Even when the temperatures improve. (II) John helped Thomas. ). III. a subject. Many content creators regularly use our checker online and acquire . Scientists started thinking. Question 3 options: Scientists thinking that the human brain could develop and change. A sentence, whether short or long, must express a complete idea; and a complete sentence must consist of at least one independent clause. Free write topics of your choice to craft your style. A complete sentence must: begin with a capital letter, end with a punctuation mark (period, question mark, or exclamation point), and contain . To be a complete sentence it must: Start with a capital letter and end with either a period, exclamation point, or a question mark. It is applied in the given sentence; I heard him say, "Remember to capitalize proper nouns." 5. Importantly, quality content needs of the present day are met mostly through using our tool help online. User: Which of the following is a complete sentence Weegy: 'The coffee shop was usually full, but today there were many open tables' is a compound sentence. Which of the following is a COMPLETE SENTENCE? Semi-Colons and Colons . Complete each sentence by selecting the correct option. Which of the following sentences does NOT illustrate the correct use of dashes? 10) Complete the sentence:_____ are concerned about the needs and feelings of others and may get distracted from a speicific task or the content of a message in order to address feelings. The complete subject is the subject along with anything that describes the subject. II. My brother's favorite movie of all time. The opposite of a complete sentence . Which of the following sentences from a paragraph about yoga is the topic sentence? Then, arrange the sentences into the order of occurrence of motor impulses of the . Put simply, a sentence fragment is a clause that falls short of true sentencehood because it is missing one of three critical components: a subject, a verb, and a complete thought. A complete thought is also called a main clause or independent clause (IC). Score .819 User: what type of sentence is "good morning to the world!"? Let's explore what should be included in a summary:. If it does not contain all of the above then our . Most importantly, the complete sentence has at least one main clause. Complete sentences may consist of a number of clauses, as long it has one main or independent clause present. You use "the following is" when a singular noun or object comes after, while you use "the . Q. In a summary, the following should be included: The word "yoga" was mentioned in the Vedas, a collection of texts containing songs, mantras, and rituals used by Vedic priests. Correct answers: 2 question: Question 1 of 5 Which of the following sentences is the best example of informal language? Which choice best describes the following sentence? Is the following sentence a Simple sentence or a Compound sentence? a verb. Mrs. Musto and Mrs. Since she was hungry, she had a snack. A clause creates a complete thought (an idea or a statement that can stand alone). . Weegy: The following is a run-on sentence: Tomas was frustrated during class he forgot his book report. There are two broad categories of control statements: which select specific sections of the code to execute, and which cause specific sections of the code to be repeated. In other words, when the writer tries to join two complete sentences with a comma. 6. Which of the following would you add to make the sentence fragment above a complete sentence? It answers a question, so it is a complete thought. Identify the subject in the following sentence: Kurt Vonnegut is a published author. Example 1: Tom went to the store. Question: Complete the following sentence. All of the following are tips to help you develop voice in your writing EXCEPT: Identify qualities of your personality Mimic other people's writing styles. The subject is the entity "doing" the action of the sentence and the verb is the action that subject completes. 2. Then, determine whether or not each word group is a sentence (S) or a fragment (F). Rebecca Mathews—The CEO of True . Sentence. Business Accounting Q&A Library Which of the following statements correctly complete the sentence: "Gross Margin equals": I. sales revenue less (minus) cost of goods sold. All a series of words needs is a capital at the . Question 3 (Mandatory) (1 point) Which of the following choice is a complete sentence? is a published author. (Check all that fit the answer.) A. The following is a list of examples of complete sentences. You can also look at this way: Tom is our subject. In which sentence is the underlined word the SIMPLE SUBJECT? Explanation: A comma splice occurs when two independent clauses are joined together with a comma. c) Time-oriented listeners. The following are examples . e) Content-oriented listeners Third sentence in each paragraph. Declarative sentences are mere statements that relay information. The common phrase "the following is" (or are) avoids this possibility. 2) Choose the best answer. If otherwise, it must not be capitalized. se the subordinating conjunction at the beginning of the second clause without a comma: Complete Sentence. a) Action-oriented listeners. (One sentence, two clauses) QUESTION 1 Which of the following is a complete sentence? There are several characteristics that must be met in order for a written thought to be considered a complete sentence. A complete sentence must have two essential parts: a subject and a verb. The following sentences is interrogative because it asks a question: "What will you do when the well goes dry ". The Clean Countryside Committee at Spring Falls Middle School. A. ideas are linked; that is, one idea leads logically to the next. Your Elementary school teacher used to ask, What did Tom do? Q. Sentences serve as a framework for people to clearly express their ideas in writing. 15 Qs . A subject is a noun (a person, place, thing, or idea) that tells us what the sentence is about. In which one of the following sentences is the simple subject also the complete subject? Q. Complete sentences may consist of a number of clauses, as long it has one main or independent clause present. It is a complete and correct sentence. See Page 1. 3. NEW ENERGY Complete the following sentence: The second law of thermodynamics ____________. A) Known as the Land of the Midnight Sun. Therefore, only D has a simple subject that is the complete subject, since Cory does not have descriptors or qualifiers attached. Including voice can help your writing stand out from the crowd. Topic sentences are typically the. IV. Which of the following is not an independent clause? A summary is known to be a piece of information that is actually written or stated in a reader's own words which gives the main points/ideas of a piece of writing.. It is a fragment that is missing a predicate. SURVEY . . It either lacks a subject, a complete verb (or both), or it might be a complete sentence but because it begins with a subordinating word (such as "when" or "because") it does not express a complete thought. The Rangers win the pendant! Label the subjects and verbs / verb phrases in the following examples. I understand you have friends doing your chores, and your hospital bill has already been paid through tomorrow, so stop worrying and complete your convalescence. Since she was hungry, she had a snack Weegy: The following is a complete sentence: Since she was hungry, she had a snack. That the human brain could develop and change. contribution margin less (minus) fixed costs. A burning log's total energy and mass before burning are the same as the mass and energy of the soot, ash, smoke, heat and . If the quotation expresses a complete thought, the first letter must be capitalized. While complete sentences can be as short as one word, there is no limit on how long a sentence can be. D. I know I blew it, but I . Moby has; three lights they are red. A complete sentence must have two essential parts: a subject and a verb. Because a subordinate clause is dependent upon a main clause to be meaningful, it is also referred to as a dependent clause. 15 Qs . The Rangers win! Write what feels natural to you. " "Our sixteenth president, Abraham Lincoln, was assassinated shortly after the end of the Civil War." "Assassinated shortly after the end of the Civil War, Abraham Lincoln, our sixteenth. d) People-oriented listeners. verb). Is the following sentence a Simple Sentence or Compound Sentence? The verb and simple predicate "volunteered" is enough to describe the subject "Cassidy". Scientists started thinking. Which of the following shows the correct parenthetical citation for information from page 57 la profesora la gramática los estudiantes 2. They should see the clothes people wore in the Middle Ages. SURVEY . Q. 3. (More) Question|Asked by Angelgirl89. Question 3 options: Scientists thinking that the human brain could develop and change. have. Topic sentences clearly state one idea the paragraph will present. This sentence features a comma splice. If your parents think today's fashions are weird. Elements of a Complete Sentence ­ - Unit 1An independent clause is a clause containing a subject, a verb, and a complete thought. In which one of the following sentences is the simple subject also the complete subject? A subject tells us 'who' or . ), question mark ( ? True or False: A run-on sentence can be corrected simply by inserting a comma. Thomas will always be grateful. A complete subject is the simple subject,the main word or words in a subject, along with any of the modifiers that describe the subject. 2.3k plays . C. If it would be at all helpful, I could place a call to the team leader. (IV) Adnan sang a wonderful song. Write F if it is a sentence fragment. Compound-complex sentences are the most complicated sentences, as their name implies. A _____ is a group of words that expresses a complete thought and contains a subject and a predicate. In order for a sentence to be complete, it must have at least one subject and one predicate. 2.9k plays . Weegy: An Exclamatory sentence tends to express a strong emotion. Somatic: . 6.7k plays . Unformatted text preview: What is the indirect object in each of the following sentences? For each of the following, write S on the line if it is a complete sentence. True. a newspaper article; a book; a chapter of a book; an essay; a report, e.t.c. First sentence in each paragraph. D. Crocodiles, quiet as logs, lurked on the riverbank. WORDS PHRASES . That the human brain could develop and change. The indirect object is ___. Worksheet. A sentence fragment usually lacks one of three critical components- a subject, a verb, and a complete idea. B. Cory drove to Middleton in his search for Eloise. Every complete sentence is made up of at least one clause. 20 Qs . is based on directionality Which of the following is not an example of the first law of thermodynamics? 3. 3. 91% -92%. Which of the following would you add to make the sentence fragment above a complete sentence? B. Cory drove to Middleton in his search for Eloise. . As previously defined, a complete subject contains two or more words, a simple subject with one or more modifiers. . A(n) _____ is a connecting word that shows the relationship between a noun or pronoun and other words in a sentence. 1. Which of the following is a sentence fragment? But "the following is/are" is a hackneyed phrase, like "enclosed . 2. Michael bought a new computer. Contain both a subject and a verb. B. each sentence includes dependent and independent clauses. ___ Long, long ago, in a faraway land. The following examples show the process of compounding . 0 Answers/Comments. Sentences. Below is a list of the different kinds of sentences that you can construct. Avoiding Fragments. - is a complete sentence. Choose the correct word to complete the sentence: There's no way you could _____ seen that car coming. O B. Identify the . Examples include the words "says," "said," "states," "asks . An independent clause is a clause that can stand alone as a sentence (i.e., it expresses a complete thought). A subject is a noun (a person, place, thing, or idea) that tells us what the sentence is about. Expert Answered. (III) Rajan is a great cricketer. A complete thought; A sentence fragment is a group of words that lacks one or more of these three things. Q. In the phrase "the following is" the word "following is clearly a noun: it owns an article. We often fail to recognize our sentence fragments because our incomplete thoughts can easily masquerade as sentences.

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which of the following is a complete sentence?

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